Brian Harasha, DC

Chiropractor, Certified Laser Practitioner,
Acupuncturist, Functional Medicine Practitioner
To Schedule An Appointment:
Call/Text (314) 467-0304 or
Office located in the Now Offering Mobile Office visits!
Center for Mind, Body, Spirit ask for details!
7649 Delmar Blvd. University City, MO 63130
Office Hours: Tues 2:00-5:00 and Wed 10:00-5:00
Chiropractic - How We Are Different
In today’s insurance environment, reimbursements for chiropractic is dwindling. You may have noticed shorter and shorter visit times (5 to 12 minutes) or more work being done by the assistant than the doctor. Dr. Harasha is unable to perform his style of chiropractic in that short of a time frame and he also supervises his assistants more closely so you are sure to get adequate time and doctor experience during your visit. All our visits are 20 to 30 minutes long (60 minutes for new patient visits).
Dr. Harasha uses primarily Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT©) which is an advanced practice chiropractic technique with some similarities to Osteopathic techniques. It involves carefully reading indicators on the body to guide the doctor to what is needed and a clear plan with defined end points and goals. His adjusting is also much gentler than most chiropractic techniques using gentle rhythmic motions, instruments and blocks that patients lie on to perform the adjustment. He rarely ‘twists and cracks’ your neck or back (unless you want him to).
Chiropractic Care For:
Low Back Pain, Sciatica, Stenosis
Neck Pain, Pain/Numb/Tingling in Hands
Hip or SI Joint Pain
Postural Problems
Spinal Care after an Accident
Maintenance of Function
Reduce General Stiffness or Pain
Dr. Harasha's original specialty is chiropractic. The beauty of chiropractic is the belief that the body has an innate ability to heal itself, and one great thing we can do is to remove any interference blocking those abilities. Chiropractors believe the Spine and Nervous System are foundational systems and a freely moveable spine with balanced nervous system function are key.

Most chiropractors choose to specialize in one or several techniques for diagnosing and treating the spine. Dr. Harasha uses a combination of:
Sacro-Occipital-Technique (SOT) - an advanced system of analysis and gentle adjusting using blocks and/or hands
Logan Basic - a gentle technique used to balance the sacrum (taught at Logan University in Chesterfield)
Diversified adjusting - a hands on technique for adjusting the spine and extremities
Torque Release and Integrator adjusting - a system of analysis and adjusting with an instrument (gentle)
Soft tissue modalities - muscles and fascia affect the spine and need to be addressed
By utilizing this combination of spinal analysis and adjusting techniques, Dr. Harasha is able to assess/diagnose your spine and adjust you in the most gentle and effective method possible.
Do you use Chinese, Japanese, Korean or other form of acupuncture?"Dr. Harasha utilizes primarily Chinese style acupuncture with a focus on older styles that use Meridian Therapy instead of the newer TCM style acupuncture.
Does Acupuncture hurt?Acupuncture is surprisingly comfortable. Although you may feel a slight stick when the needle first goes in, the sensation dissipates while the needles are working. If you are particularly uncomfortable with needles acupuncture can be done with electrically stimulation or even Laser stimulation.
Does insurance cover acupuncture?Insurance very rarely covers acupuncture and if it does only for certain conditions. Major medical plans are least likely to cover but motor vehicle accident cases are more likely to cover it. Remember, we are partnered with ChiroHealthUSA to allow you to be a member of their plan allowing substantial discounts to all non-covered services.
How much acupuncture do I need?This varies great by individual and by the problems being addressed. It is common practice in Chinese acupuncture to have 10 visit treatment plans. Some doctors choose to have people come every day and others choose every week. Dr. Harasha chooses to determine the frequency by first assessing the Acugraph results and your symptom changes. If good progress is being made the frequency can be reduced. A common protocol is 3 visits per week the first week, 2 visits the second week and 1 visit per week thereafter. This protocol helps bring the body back into balance and symptoms start improving, however it is important to maintain that balance so your symptoms do not return. Sometimes changes in diet and lifestyle can maintain that balance. Other times herbal medicine or continued acupuncture treatments are required. Dr. Harasha will work with you to find out what is best for you. People usually enjoy how much better they feel and like having a maintenance schedule to keep feeling that way. Again, this varies by the individual and their lifestyle and ranges from once a week to once every 6 weeks. The most common is once every 3-4 weeks. For acupuncture, a bare minimum is coming in at the change of every season (every 3 months) because a lot of things shift in our energy at that time and it is very beneficial to ensure that shift goes smoothly to avoid the next season being uncomfortable.