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Acupuncture  -  How We Are Different

There are two things you will notice about our acupuncture practice. The most notable is that it is performed by a Chiropractor/Functional Medicine/Laser Therapist, which leads to a more medical approach than traditional practitioners.
It also means there are more options for Needle-Less acupuncture like electric stimulation, or even better – laser stimulation. Your health insurance may also contribute to the cost of your office visits.


Second, we often utilize an advanced meridian graphing technique using a computer to help measure your meridian/energy balance and help choose points that will balance your energy flow. This gives the patient a chance to more fully understand the importance of the correct flow of energy in the body and they can see a colorful graph showing their own energy changes as they go through treatment.

Third, if you are a little weary of using computerized assessment for an ancient healing technique, Dr. Harasha also enjoys using some of the most ancient techniques of Taoist acupuncture, similar to the famous Dr. Tan and Dr. Tung.

Acupuncture / Meridian Therapy For:​


Computerized Meridian Therapy

Western science has caught up with the centuries old traditional acupuncture methods. Acugraph Digital Meridian Imaging allows Dr. Harasha to measure the balance of the energy flow through your 12 main meridians in real time using a computer and specialized probe.This gives objective data and sophisticated treatment plans to quickly and reliably balance your energy system. He prefers to use this system with most clients because of all it's benefits including: objectivity, consistency, client education, data presentation, easy tracking visit to visit, and giving the client something they can take home and understand without using the sometimes esoteric and traditional descriptions used in Chinese Medicine.

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture

At times Dr. Harasha uses his more classical training of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This training uses diagnostic findings from the tongue, pulse, finger nails, and other body areas to help determine patterns of imbalance in the body. Orthopedics in this system is often done through older meridian channel theory and various balancing methods like Dr. Tan's. In some cases he may use Chinese herbs to help superficially or refer out to for in-depth herbal protocols.

  • Musculoskeletal problems

  • Fatigue, low energy, 'foggy brain'

  • Fertility challenges

  • Digestive issues

Acupuncture energy balance
  • Acute or chronic pain

  • Coping with Stress

  • High blood pressure

  • Anxiety / Depression

  • Do you use Chinese, Japanese, Korean or other form of acupuncture?"
    Dr. Harasha utilizes primarily Chinese style acupuncture with a focus on older styles that use Meridian Therapy instead of the newer TCM style acupuncture.
  • Does Acupuncture hurt?
    Acupuncture is surprisingly comfortable. Although you may feel a slight stick when the needle first goes in, the sensation dissipates while the needles are working. If you are particularly uncomfortable with needles acupuncture can be done with electrically stimulation or even Laser stimulation.
  • Does insurance cover acupuncture?
    Insurance very rarely covers acupuncture and if it does only for certain conditions. Major medical plans are least likely to cover but motor vehicle accident cases are more likely to cover it. Remember, we are partnered with ChiroHealthUSA to allow you to be a member of their plan allowing substantial discounts to all non-covered services.
  • How much acupuncture do I need?
    This varies great by individual and by the problems being addressed. It is common practice in Chinese acupuncture to have 10 visit treatment plans. Some doctors choose to have people come every day and others choose every week. Dr. Harasha chooses to determine the frequency by first assessing the Acugraph results and your symptom changes. If good progress is being made the frequency can be reduced. A common protocol is 3 visits per week the first week, 2 visits the second week and 1 visit per week thereafter. This protocol helps bring the body back into balance and symptoms start improving, however it is important to maintain that balance so your symptoms do not return. Sometimes changes in diet and lifestyle can maintain that balance. Other times herbal medicine or continued acupuncture treatments are required. Dr. Harasha will work with you to find out what is best for you. ​ People usually enjoy how much better they feel and like having a maintenance schedule to keep feeling that way. Again, this varies by the individual and their lifestyle and ranges from once a week to once every 6 weeks. The most common is once every 3-4 weeks. For acupuncture, a bare minimum is coming in at the change of every season (every 3 months) because a lot of things shift in our energy at that time and it is very beneficial to ensure that shift goes smoothly to avoid the next season being uncomfortable.
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